中陰 bardo (2015)    the space between; the state of existence between death and rebirth when one's consciousness is not connected with a physical body; a transitional state; an intermediate state.

Bardo (2017), a handmade artist book detailing the events of  Japan in the spring of 2011:

On March 11th, 2011, the tectonic plates along the Japan Trench experienced a slip at 2:46 p.m., which precipitated the chain of disasters within the Tohoku region of Japan. The slip resulted in a 9.0 magnitude earthquake that released six hundred million times the amount of energy of the Hiroshima bomb. The strength of the earthquake caused Earth’s axis to shift ten inches, altering time and shortening days. The earthquake also triggered the Tohoku Tsunami, which began with the trough that exposed the floor of the ocean and then cascaded into a huge water surge onto more than three hundred miles of shore. The tsunami began with a white crest that turned to black—a black that swallowed up entire towns and buildings, inundating the coast along with 15,893 lives. The sequence of disasters continued at the coastal Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. There, six nuclear reactors underwent four nuclear meltdowns and three hydrogen explosions, contaminating the environment with more than twice the amount of radioactive material the government had revealed. Japan was in a state in between death and rebirth, known as bardo to Buddhists—an intermediate, transitional state of existence.